“There will be many obstacles blocking your path. The greatest tragedy is when the biggest obstacle is the one that you’ve built yourself.” ~ Kenneth Dolin

actors coach in LA area

What if the Biggest Obstacle to Your Success is Yourself?

Career & Personal Empowerment for Actors and Artists.
Mentoring, Mindset Resets and Accountability.

$125 Per Hour.

In Person of via Zoom.

Are you approaching your career making choices that will help you manifest what you want? Or are you actually, unconsciously, doing the opposite? this coaching is designed to help you create the mindset of a working actor, embrace your power, move past limiting or cynical beliefs, end self-defeating behaviors, let go of desperation and create your OWN pathway to success.

I will give you a powerful array of tactics, strategies and perspective shifts to help you come at your career from a place of courage, faith, self-confidence, and artistic self-respect. So you can ASCEND.

Private Audition Coaching. In Person or Online.

  • Emotional Triggers.

Connect deeply to the material and the power of the character’s needs to get fully, truthfully, emotionally triggered. Using breathing work, personalization, emotional/sense memory and imagination we get you dialed in with the tools to bring up this emotion whenever you need to.

  • Powerful, Creative Choices.

Deep emotional connection is not enough. We will find powerful and unexpected choices by mining the secrets in the script and in the backstory of the character. We will find the life between the lines. There are powerful choices to be made when you connect deeply to your wants.

  • Characterization.

We also employ character development, because being emotionally triggered is not enough. By utilizing body work, character history, voice and internal rhythms we will explore and discover character nuance. Because while the character comes through you, the character is not you.

Private Coached Self Tapes.

  • Nail It. Submit a self tape where you are completely triggered, and are making bold choices that stand out while coming from truth without a false note. We will work on the material until you are fully THERE, and only then, while you are in it, let the camera roll.

  • Pro-Lighting and Sound.

  • Self tapes are done at our Larchmont Blvd. studios with pro level lighting, sound and stunning 8K videograpny.